Further study
Many ANU students undertake further study. It is important to think about the reasons for choosing further study and make an informed decision.
You might:
- enjoy studying and want to continue that path into research
- require further qualifications for professional accreditation
- want to add a more specialised qualification in addition to a generalist degree
- want to change the direction of your career.
If you plan to enter the job market, find out what advantage a post graduate qualification will provide. Employers do not necessarily favour higher qualifications for entry level positions. For example, a Masters qualification without additional work experience may not provide significant advantage. If you continue studying, ensure that you continue to build relevant workplace skills and experience.
If you are planning post graduate study, consider the options available at the ANU.
Skills & knowledge acquired
The skills and knowledge that you have developed as a postgraduate research student are specialist skills related to your discipline. There are also generic and transferable skills developed through your experience as a student, including: interpersonal communication, writing, research, analysis, planning, organising, budgeting, problem solving, prioritising, time management, assessment, reporting, goal setting and skills in information technology.
Academic & research paths
A PhD is often viewed as a passport to research opportunities, teaching positions and possible employment in the form of academic tenure. However, in recent times universities have shifted toward employing more casual and fixed-term staff. This creates a large and dynamic employment arena with many opportunities for the entrepreneurial academic who is adaptable, determined and passionate about their area of expertise
Although entry-level tutoring and research positions can have high workloads, it is crucial to find the time to get involved with collaborative projects and networking with other colleagues to enhance your career prospects. It is also vital to continue writing and publishing your research, so as to increase your competitiveness within the academic labour market.
Related Guidance
Related links
- ANU Careers & Employability
- +61 2 6125 6307
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- Visit website